Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just Waiting Around in the Jungle

I can imagine that Winnings Coffee Co. is actually located in South America. It's on the edge of the jungle and everyone who comes in is in the middle of a hitchiking/backpacking/or bike touring trip. Either that, or they've been attending a Bob Marley concert.

The fans are breezy, the coffee iced, the ceiling high, and the bookseller in the corner is playing his guitar to his computer because he's got his grandson on skype. He doesn't mind that the radio is playing Bollywood music. He just goes right on playing.

Everyone you meet in the coffee shop in the middle of the jungle has at least 2 really good ideas per day. Although located far from everything else it is very likely that you will meet someone here that you know. Someone I know just gave me some wildflower paper. If you plant the paper it will grow wild flowers.

That makes me glow.

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