Sunday, March 29, 2009

I really like Chicago.

I think that I could be here for a long time. I was walking with Sarah and Zayne and Zayne said, "This is the sea of interestingly colored things" and he gestured grandly to a particularly dingy section of ground under the train tracks. It was a corner filled with lots of little stones, but there was also an unusual number of small brightly colored objects collected between the rocks. There was a blue lego, a red something, a pink balloon, "Oh! A rollerskate!" said Zayne picking up a tiny rollerskate, "wow!" I said," "Look! A dead rat!" said Sarah, and we looked, and there was a dead rat.

I loved that. It kind of freaked me out and I felt sorry for the rat, but I also loved it.

I took the train downtown this morning, and I looked out my window the whole time. I could devote a year to a project I'm thinking about. The project would be to systematically look out of windows in Chicago. I would also spend a lot of time waiting for, and riding on trains. I would look out of the windows of every train I rode on. It might be nice to take photographs, but looking at things would be the project.

Yesterday David took me to the art museum. A woman asked us if we were okay because we were laying on the floor harmonizing for a half an hour and we forgot where we were. It was great because as soon as we said we were rehearsing for an art project she seemed really relieved. I also sang in a library yesterday. That was another art project that David's roommate Megan was organizing. To get into the library you have to have a school ID but I told the security guard that I needed to participate in an art project, and she immediately let me in. Pretending to be an artist/Being an artist really does help you do things. Everyone should take advantage of this all of the time, and accidentaly become artists in the process.

My favorite sequence of events in Chicago so far involved eating (pizza) drinking (beer) and then eating (dessert) some more. It was so glutenous and beautiful. I understand what Virginia Woolf was talking about when she said that you need to be well fed in order to feel like you're going to heaven. I have been drinking a lot of coffee, but we are only going to drink tea tomorrow when I set up the tent and sings songs. Now I am going to go find a toy store.



eric said...

Oh please tell me that the toy store you sought was Uncle Fun.

And that Aunt Jerk didn't ruin everything.

Christiana Cook said...

yeah it was! And no she certainly didn't. The people who work there were really silly and told me a lot of ridiculous things, which I ate up like a hungry sheep. (?!)